Abi Moore
It is with great honor that the 2024 Fernie Half Marathon runs in celebration of a community legacy, Mrs. Abi Moore. Abi was well known in the community of Fernie and around the world as an incredible athlete, and an adventurous, kind, and loving individual that brought smiles and joy to any and all events that she either hosted or participated in. Her tragic passing this past July has left a sense of emptiness but her legacy continues. As you run over the trails and the bridge that has been rebuilt in her honor, please send her a hello by doing a silly little jump, hoot or holler, or any other way that you choose to thank her for all she has done for the running community here and afar. Gone, but certainly never forgotten Abi.
Arthur Sombrowski
Arthur Sombrowski was the original creator of the start/finish line of the Fernie Half Marathon and very carefully constructed it every year for over 20 years until his passing. If you have ever had the pleasure of participating in the FHM prior to his passing, you will likely remember his smile and laugh from the start of the race until everything was taken down and meticulously put away.
In 2023 Fernie Half Marathon honored Arthur as the event was one of his many annual contributions to The Fernie Academy and the Community of Fernie. His presence is greatly missed but we are thankful that his legacy has been carried on by his son Max. When you cross the finish line, smile up at Arthur and let him know that he taught Max well.